Adult Ballet

Adults Ballet classes are for adults and teenage students ages 14 and up, whether beginning, or continuing their dance education. A complete ballet class including barre and center focusing on balance, flexibility, strength, and technique. Material will be tailored to the level of the students in the class.

Session 1August 12-October 20
Session 2October 21-January 19
Session 3January 20-March 30
Session 4March 31-June 8
Session 5AJune 9-July 6
Session 5BJuly 7-August 3
ClassTuitionClass Schedule
Adult Ballet$180 per session
$20 per drop-in class
Tuesday 6:00-7:30pm

Drop-In Classes
To sign up for an Adult Ballet drop-in class, go to “Classes” then “Lesson Trials” then “Apply to New Lesson Trials” Next, select the class, student who is enrolling, and then the class you would like to take.

Class Information
Classes will be in session before your class begins. The front door to BCB is locked at all times, so we ask that you please wait in the courtyard. A staff member will let you into the building at the class start time. Please bring all of your belongings into the studio with you. 

Parking in the BCB parking lot is for staff only. Please park in the surrounding neighborhood. 

Adult Ballet students may wear any form-fitted clothes (leotard and tights, leggings, etc.) and ballet shoes. 

All long hair should be pulled back neatly into a ponytail or bun. Shorter hair should be pulled back out of your face with a headband or hair clips. 

Each class meeting must have a minimum of 4 students. If a class must be cancelled due to low enrollment, students will be notified the morning of the class date.